Saturday, June 18, 2011

Dad's Encouragement Through Difficulties

Written by a man who lost his dad last year to cancer (both named Edwin Boone)
Edited by Juanita
My dad really helped me in my learning.  It wasn’t really the things that he taught me, which were usually practical things and skills, such as how to keep things working, but the attitude about the learning itself.  

One of the greatest lessons Dad taught me was, when learning gets tough and the pieces just don’t seem to fit, persevere and keep trying.  Sometimes I needed to walk away from a thing for a while, go back a few lessons, or think about it from another angle. Under his influence, I learned to never give up

One example of my inability to comprehend what I was studying was a high school class in trigonometric analysis. Despite my best efforts and the assistance of an engineer friend of my dad’s, I steadily became more and more like a lost ball in high weeds.  I managed to barely pass the class. My last grade for the class was a solid D, by far the worst grade I ever had in school. I was very afraid that Dad was going to be angry about the D.  

That day, he taught me one of the other greatest lessons I have ever learned: If you have worked at something, have truly done your best, and still somehow manage to not succeed – keep your head high and don’t be down on yourself. You really have nothing at all to be ashamed of. 

Take joy from what you can do, and don’t be ashamed of what, in spite of your best efforts, you cannot do. 

That’s a lesson that helps me sleep at night.

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