Find your child’s favorite song lyrics, the one they don’t know all the words to.
My kids Love Hannah Montana songs.
Break the song into parts, make words larger if that helps.
Go over lyrics with child together
Give lyrics to child to go over alone and with friends.
Have child read it to you periodically
Offer a reward for learning the song
This helps with fluency and is motivated by your own child's interests.
Example: Hoedown-Throwdown by Miley Cyrus
I found this song to be too long for my first and second grader to try to learn. Additional idea - break the song down into segments. Cut the words out and paste them onto blank pages. Have students draw pictures to go with each song segment (or download pictures online). In so doing, they can make their own book - and remake as many times as they want.
Right now my girls are really annoying me with the song from Taylor Swift, "You Belong to Me." They sing "typical" like "ticable" and get many words wrong. So this little book-making exercise might help with reading and word correction. To be really cool, they have to sing it right.
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